If you're intentional about showing up fully in life,
The difference between existing in the life you are settling for and living the life you love can be found by tapping into the power you have to effect change and being intentional about how you show up for your life.

Is this you?
Feel stuck, stagnant, or like you are repeating cycles where you are "learning the same lesson"
Experience ruminating thoughts, spend too much time overthinking, or have a difficult time taking action
Feel dissatisfied with life, stressed, overwhelmed, or exhausted
Struggle to identify, work through/move past, or manage difficult emotions. This could show up as allowing feelings to dictate your actions or suppressing them
Say "yes" when you want to say "no", have a difficult time setting boundaries, or communicating your needs
Have been to therapy or read numerous self-help books and want to put tools you've learned into practice
Want to increase your self-trust, confidence, and courage so you can make sound decisions, stand in your authenticity, and live the life you desire
Desire a more positive mindset and to stop anticipating something bad happening or being disappointed

Life on Your Terms
What you think has a tremendous effect on how you feel, actions you do or don't take, experiences you have, and who you become. Understanding and being aware of your thoughts and emotions gives you power to choose them. The change you desire to see in your life starts with your willingness to choose different.
Think differently. Feel differently. Live authentically.
Be fulfilled.

Hey friend, hey!
Welcome! My name is Tesa. I'm a mindset and emotional intelligence life coach who understands how much life experiences impact how we view ourselves, the world around us, and choices we make.
Because our mind looks to confirm what we believe whether it serves or hinders us, our life is a reflection of what we believe to be true.
My favorite question to ask my clients is, "what is the story you are telling yourself?". These narratives are often what keep us stuck, uncertain, and a victim of our circumstances.
We give things power by the meaning we assign to it.
My job is to put you in the driver's seat. Together, we will explore how your beliefs, perceptions, and perspectives are shaping your reality. As we discover the depth and fullness of who you are, what you value, and truly desire, we will identify what is serving you and what can be let go. I will help you realign your thoughts and feelings so you can take action in alignment with with who you are becoming and the life you are creating.
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